Florence Kelley Lecture - April 15, 2010


On April 15, 2010, Professor Leigh Bienen gave a lecture on Florence Kelley and the Illinois Supreme Court at Northwestern School of Law, Lincoln Hall. Professor Bienen highlighted the work that she has done in archiving historical documents that relate the work of Florence Kelley, and the legal battles of Kelley. Professor Bienen also discussed the relationship between the Illinois Supreme Court and the social activism of Florence Kelley. Justice Karmeier introduced Professor Bienen along with the Dean of Northwestern Illinois School of Law, David Van Zandt. The Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission has archived Professor Bienen's lecture and historical documents relating to the life of Florence Kelley online for the use by public historians and legal scholars. Below are images from the event, as well as historic images of Florence Kelley, as well as, documentation. The video below is Professor Bienen's lecture in its entirety. If you have any images or documentation you would like to share regarding Florence Kelley email webmaster@illinoiscourthistory.org.